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Hi guys this is my first article on Auto info, Today we were talking about Indian Automobile History. We all know that the first car engine roars at 29 Jan 1886in Germany by Carl Benz. That engine that powered by a gas engine. 

After only few Years the first wheel of a car are touched in Indian land at 1940. Until 1930s Britishers imported the vehicles, but after that the embryonic automobile industry emerged in India in 1940. After only two years the first Indian proud automobile company has launched in Indian market. This is Hindustan Motors. They produce Hindustan motor Ambassador motor car based on Morris Oxford series III Alongside other foreign brands also came through an Indian market such are Chrysler, dodge & fiat motors. The Hindustan motors Ambassador are such luxury car of India that are the main attraction for rich persons.

  Along with them the Mahindra & Mahindra group stands on Indian market by Anand Mahindra That All we  saw the Mahindra got a very important place in Automobile sector.. 

In 1968 Tata motors rises at the Indian car company as TATA ELECTRONICS AND LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY as (TALCO) in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Its products are passenger’s car, trucks, vans, coaches, buses, sports car, construction instruments, SUVs, military utility. Tata launch Indian first indigenous passenger car knows as indica in 1998 & world’s cheapest family car Tata NANO at 2008.

Although now Automobile marketing competition is raised day by day. Now a day, 13 automobile manufacturing plant of 29 country feels the need of Indian peoples. But we can't forget the one car company is relying on the Indian car market from 1983 it is Maruti Suzuki. From 1981 to 2014 the car made by a Maruti fulfill the incomplete dream of middle class people this car is Maruti Suzuki Maruti800. The number 800 denotes its engine capacity and it is sufficient for that time. 

Now, Maruti Suzuki became one of the top most car selling company. This Japanese car brand tied up his knot to to with Maruti Udyog Limited funded by government of India in 24 Feb 1981. From 1985 to 2019 top 10 bestselling automobile model in India the Maruti Suzuki stick in 1at place with Maruti 800 since 1985 to 2005 & with alto from 2005 to 2019 (2020 Data is unavailable). Although Maruti held the record to  deliver 20M cars in 37 years to happy and satisfying services.

But now the things getting changed because most of the customers think about safety and features, so we always so the drastic change in Indian cars selling group. We assumed that at one day our one Indian brand is hooked on top of the list.

This is our rising car history of the Indian automobile sector. One next time we were talking about all of the car manufacturing companies that hook their name in the Indian car market. Thanks for joining us, I hope you enjoy the article and any suggestion, please contact on Instagram or mail (ID is in description) good bye for this time we will mute next time to open the vast  book of automobile sector stay home stay safe. Good bye.  

                                                                                              By. Sonawane Prasenjeet.


                         Follow me on Instagram and stay updated ID - jeet_official0102 


  1. Nice story

    Good work

  2. I really don't know this info
    This is help full.

    1. If you have any question you can ask by commenting or ask me on Instagram and i will do my best to help you. thank you for your honest feedback.


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